# 相关代码的github地址,传送门如下:
erb部分的使用,可参考笔者前阵子的rsync管理模块的 和
函数文件: hash_merge.rb 函数注释部分写在代码中了,因此直接上代码如下:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:hash_merge, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS*Examples:* $ddd = {'t1' => 'aa', 't2' => 'ab'} $ttt = { 'key_1' => { 't3' => 'a1'}, 'key_2' => { 't1' => 'zz', 't3' => 'a8' } } hash_merge($ttt, $ddd)Would result in: " { 'key_1' => { 't3' => 'a1', 't1' => 'aa', 't2' => 'ab' }, 'key_2' => { 't1' => 'zz', 't3' => 'a8', 't2' => 'ab' } }" EOS ) do |arguments| # Technically we support two arguments but only first is mandatory ... raise(Puppet::ParseError, "hash_merge(): Wrong number of arguments " + "given (#{arguments.size} for 1)") if arguments.size < 1 res = arguments[0] unless res.is_a?(Hash) raise Puppet::ParseError, "hash_merge(): The argument must be a hash" end if arguments.size == 2 t_hash = arguments[1] || {} res.each_key do |k| t_hash.each_key do |t| res[k][t] = t_hash[t] unless res[k].key?(t) end end end return res endend# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :